Lemon Banana Sorbet


  • Lemon or lime
  • Banana
  • Ice cubes
  • Water

I found the last lemon from last harvest season in the refrigerator and used it to make sorbet. Instead of using sugar as sweetener, I used a very ripen banana to sweeten it.

To Vitamix all ingredients go for 30 seconds. The sorbet tasted great with no added sweeteners!

I got the banana from a local fruit stand at a very good price. Usually a banana sells for about a quarter, but you can usually find overripen ones on sale for about a dime each. They are perfect for making smoothies. But they won't last so I peel and freeze them right away for later use. Talking about saving money!

Lemons are growing rapidly on the tree now.  I am looking forward to the harvest time again in a few months!