Here is a scary and compelling example of what you may be feeding your baby:

YourVitamix Machine | Whole Food | Healthy Homemade Vitamix Baby Food | 1/3 Whole Food | Food Starch, Thickeners, Salt & Sugar | Commercial Baby Food |
Healthy homemade Vitamix baby food costs $.44 / lb. | Less nutritious packaged baby food costs $2.82 / lb. |
Commercial baby food costs — ready for this? SEVEN times as much.
Yes, you're reading right: SEVEN times as much. |

A healthy baby is every parent's priority. Prenatal care is the first step to assuring your baby a lifetime of good health. You carefully watched everything you ate and drank when you were pregnant. But are you watching what's in the baby food you're buying?
The sad truth is that leading manufacturers of meals for babies six months and older often replace real food with water and thickening agents. Many leading brands of second- and third-stage dinners may contain as little as 28%* of the whole food nutrition found in first-stage foods.
Even sadder is that with many commercial baby food products you are paying 7 times more for chemicals, starchy fillers, sugar and sodium that are anything but nutritious!
The sad truth is that leading manufacturers of meals for babies six months and older often replace real food with water and thickening agents. Many leading brands of second- and third-stage dinners may contain as little as 28%* of the whole food nutrition found in first-stage foods.
Even sadder is that with many commercial baby food products you are paying 7 times more for chemicals, starchy fillers, sugar and sodium that are anything but nutritious!
Caring for your baby is your number one priority. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, caregiver, family member or friend, a happy and healthy baby is the goal. And the key to that is providing the very best in nutrition and nurturing. Your Vitamix machine can be a big help!
Aren't commercially prepared foods safer and more nutritious?
Ounce per ounce, they're actually not!
Isn't it easier-and cheaper-to pick up those little jars of food at the grocery store?
Making baby food in the Vitamix is really easy--and the cost benefits are astounding!
Making baby food a puree is a short term need, what about first foods and toddler meals?
Making Toddler foods in the Vitamix machine couldn't be easier or more nutritious!

- They may contain fillers and water that do not contain nutrients. Read on...
- Overcooking can result in the loss of nutrients. Read on...
- Being able to control ingredients is essential when considering allergic risk. Read on...

- You save approximately 70-80% per serving! Read on...
- Organic baby foods is much more affordable homemade and much easier to make than to find in the store! Read on...
- Making is easier and more convenient than ever with the Vitamix machine. Read on...

- Adding texture is the key to transitioning from pureed foods to table foods. Read on...
- Starting healthy eating habits from birth encourages a lifetime of healthy eating. Read on...
- The power to make whole foods fun and yummy for a finicky toddler is right at your fingertips with the Vitamix machine. Here's how...