Make Nutrients Work For You

Make nutrients work for you
Valuable life-giving nutrients locked inside the pulp, peels and seeds of fruits and vegetables cannot be absorbed as easily when these foods are simply chewed. When fresh, whole foods are taken down to the cellular level by the Vitamix, the nutrients become readily available to nourish your body. The Vitamix machine ruptures the cell walls of whole foods to make the enzymes more bioavailable. Breaking the food into microscopic particles also releases more flavor, so meals are not only more nutritious, but delicious and satisfying when made in the Vitamix 5200.

"To achieve optimal performance, you must first achieve optimal health. Vitalizing whole food nutrition is the key. A Vitamix is the easiest way to pack your diet full of nutrient dense whole foods." 

Brendan Brazier: professional Ironman triathlete and bestselling author on performance nutrition.