Studies Regarding Preventing Stroke

- Rheumatoid arthritis patients who eat a gluten-free vegan diet have had their rheumatoid arthritis improve and the diet could in turn better protected against heart attacks and stroke - “Gluten-free Vegan Diet May Protect Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients from Heart Attack, Stroke, Study Suggests,” in Science Daily
- Reduction of salt, increasing potassium, increasing fruits, vegetables and whole grains intake and at least two servings of fish per week may all help prevent stroke – “Nutrition and prevention of ischemic stroke: present knowledge, limitations and future perspectives,” in Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases v.14, issue 2, April 2004, p.97-114
- Reduction of salt, increasing potassium, increasing fruits, vegetables and whole grains intake, the Mediterranean dietary plan and at least two servings of fish per week may all help prevent stroke – in Seminars in Neurology, v.26, issue 1, 2006, p.11-23
- Elevated plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor for stroke and folic acid supplements can reduce plasma homocysteine – “Folates and Prevention of Disease,” in Public Health Nutrition v.4 p. 601-609