I have mentioned in my earlier post about my story of planting starchy energy foods in my homestead to replace rice and wheat transported from thousands of miles away. In addition to sweet potato, malanga, and cassava, I have successful added African Potato Mint to the list!
This is the first season I planted and harvested African Potato Mint, which can be propagated by either seed potatoes or cuttings. I simply planted it in wood chips. As wood chips decomposed, the plant grew stronger and faster.
This is also a cash crop you might want to consider. It's highly sought after by high-end restaurants. They are willing to pay $10 per pound. A single plant produces 3 pounds and $30 for me if I were to sell them.
The best part is the minimum work involved. I simply planted it, walked away, and came back to harvest it.

African Potato Mint about 2 months ago. It looks like just mint. This is one single plant.

Digging out all potatoes from one single plant after the plant has dried out.

Leaving a large potato as a seed there for next season.

Covering it with old wood chips.

One seed potato turning into 100 potatoes in a single season without me doing anything. Nature has taken care of it by sending sunlight and rain.
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