Harvest A 16-pound Sweet Potato and More

Sweet potato is one of our starchy energy foods from the homestead. I am showing you how many sweet potatoes a sweet potato slip can grow in less than one year. I harvested only one-quarter of the area this sweet potato has taken over. I had to stop. There were simply too many!
Usually, under an optimal growing condition, sweet potatoes can be harvested in 3 months. I planted this one in the wood chips for about one year before I harvested. Let's see what has happened.
Those 5 in the front have the normal shape. They were about 3 months old. If you don't harvest them, they'll continue to grow to weird shapes just like those in the back.
This is where they grew. I had just pulled them out.
The largest one in normal shape is 1 lb 12 3/8 oz (or 805 g).
The largest one of all weighs 16 pounds (or 7.3 kg). I didn't know how to cook a 16 lbs sweet potato. It looks just like a turkey, which gives me an idea ...
I roasted it just like roasting a turkey - 20 minutes per pound at 325 F / 163 C.
It turned out to be very good. We simply sliced a piece of it whenever someone wanted to eat it. It lasted for a whole week.
Thank you for stopping by today for my sweet potato adventure. I'll see you next time.